Trinity Preschool has designed our classes to help your child grow developmentally, emotionally and spiritually.
We are very excited to have a Nationally Certified Nature Explore Classroom on our property for the children to learn in daily. For more pictures and details, please visit our Outdoor Classroom Website at
and our Outdoor Environment page.
Our daily sessions currently include:
Monday and Wednesday Mornings
8:30 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.
These morning classes are for those children who have turned 2 1/2 before September 15th or turn 3 on or after September 16th. Classes begin each day with Free Choice time, during which children are encouraged to try out different things in different areas of the room. Social skills are modeled and encouraged with the aid of adults. Motor skills are practiced with activities such as coloring, cutting, painting, play-dough, songs, finger plays, dancing and playing outdoors. Listening skills are practiced with activities like story time and games.
Tuesday and Thursday Mornings
8:30 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.
These morning classes are for those children who have just turned 3 before September 15th or turn 4 on or after September 16th. Classes begin each day with Free Choice time, during which children are encouraged to try out different things in different areas of the room, including small group learning time. We continue our day with Large Group/Jesus Time and snack time. Our minds and bodies are then exercised with music and large motor activities to conclude our day.
Monday thru Thursday Afternoons
12:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M.
Our Afternoon Program is designed for those students who turn 4 prior to September 15th or turn 5 on or after September 16th. The Afternoon Session begins with Large Motor activities primarily done outside in our expansive outdoor areas. We fuel our bodies and souls with snack and Jesus followed by large group learning time. Free Choice time includes small group learning time as well as 14 different center areas for the children to learn in. Music and Movement activities conclude our busy day.
Trinity Preschool is fortunate to have a weekly "Chapel" with a Pastor when available or a church Elder. Each class goes upstairs to the sanctuary where we learn a small lesson from Pastor/Elder about God and Jesus. The children enjoy this special time learning about Jesus.
Registration for the 2020-21 school year is upon us! Please contact us by email or at 641-782-5095 extension 2 for more information and/or a registration form!